Computing 'Real Value' Over Time With a Conversion Between U.K. Pounds and U.S. Dollars, 1791 to Present

When using the CPI/RPI, the (average) value in 1930 of £5 from 1930 is $24.31. The range of values is from $24.31 to $24.31. This answer is better if the subject is a consumer good or something else of interest to an individual.

When using the GDP deflator, the (average) value in 1930 of £5 from 1930 is $24.31. The range of values is from $24.31 to $24.31. This answer is better if the subject is a capital investment or government expenditure

Value in 1930 of £5 from 1930
Converted inConverted usingAverage dollar price
per pound that year
CPI / RPIGDP Deflator

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Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson, "Computing 'Real Value' Over Time With a Conversion Between U.K. Pounds and U.S. Dollars, 1791 to Present", MeasuringWorth, URL

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