Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies

What Was the Exchange Rate between the U.S. dollar and 41 Currencies?
Initial Year:
Ending Year:
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An exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. The exchange rates presented here were the prices of the United States dollar in terms of other currencies, that is, the number of units of the other currency per U.S. dollar. (In the "Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate" data set, the exchange rate is expressed in the opposite way, that is, the price of the British pound in U.S. dollars.)

The longest exchange-rate series presented here is for the United Kingdom (number of British pounds per U.S. dollar), which begins in 1791. The shortest exchange-rate series is for Europe, meaning the euro area (number of euros per dollar), which begins in 1999. For detailed information on the exchange-rate series, arranged geographically, you are invited to consult the appropriate link below.

Information on European Exchange Rates

Information on Exchange Rates of the Americas

Information on Exchange Rates of Africa, Asia, and Australasia

Please read our Note on Data Revisions.


Lawrence H. Officer, "Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies," MeasuringWorth,

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