Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies

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What Was the Exchange Rate between the U.S. Dollar and 40 Currencies?
Initial Year:
Ending Year:
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The table(s) present the price of one United States Dollar.

Japan, 1916 - 2016

19161.97 Yen
19171.95 Yen
19181.89 Yen
19191.95 Yen
19201.99 Yen
19212.07 Yen
19222.09 Yen
19232.06 Yen
19242.43 Yen
19252.44 Yen
19262.12 Yen
19272.11 Yen
19282.15 Yen
19292.17 Yen
19302.02 Yen
19312.05 Yen
19323.56 Yen
19333.90 Yen
19343.37 Yen
19353.48 Yen
19363.45 Yen
19373.47 Yen
19383.52 Yen
19393.85 Yen
19404.27 Yen
19414.27 Yen
1956359.84 Yen
1957359.84 Yen
1958359.84 Yen
1959359.97 Yen
1960359.97 Yen
1961361.14 Yen
1962360.86 Yen
1963361.49 Yen
1964361.99 Yen
1965361.51 Yen
1966362.35 Yen
1967362.15 Yen
1968360.56 Yen
1969358.38 Yen
1970358.15 Yen
1971347.48 Yen
1972303.08 Yen
1973270.89 Yen
1974291.53 Yen
1975296.69 Yen
1976296.38 Yen
1977267.80 Yen
1978208.42 Yen
1979219.02 Yen
1980226.63 Yen
1981220.63 Yen
1982249.06 Yen
1983237.55 Yen
1984237.45 Yen
1985238.47 Yen
1986168.35 Yen
1987144.60 Yen
1988128.17 Yen
1989138.07 Yen
1990145.00 Yen
1991134.59 Yen
1992126.78 Yen
1993111.08 Yen
1994102.18 Yen
199593.96 Yen
1996108.78 Yen
1997121.06 Yen
1998130.99 Yen
1999113.73 Yen
2000107.80 Yen
2001121.57 Yen
2002125.22 Yen
2003115.94 Yen
2004108.15 Yen
2005110.11 Yen
2006116.31 Yen
2007117.76 Yen
2008103.39 Yen
200993.68 Yen
201087.78 Yen
201179.70 Yen
201279.82 Yen
201397.60 Yen
2014105.74 Yen
2015121.04 Yen
2016108.79 Yen

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Lawrence H. Officer, "Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies,", MeasuringWorth,

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