The Price of Gold, 1257 - Present.

      What Was the Price of Gold?
London market price (1718-Present)
Gold/silver price ratio (1687-Present)
New York market price (1791-Present)
U.S. official price (1786-Present)
British official price (1257-1945)
Initial Year:  
Ending Year:

Whether as the basis for the monetary unit of a country, or in its role in comparison to the currency price of silver, the price of gold has long been a subject of great interest to both the scholar and the general public. Below are five series for determining the value of gold historically:

  • London Market Price for the years 1718 to Present
  • Gold/Silver Price Ratio for the years 1687 to Present
  • New York Market Price for the years 1791 to Present
  • British Official Price for the years 1257 to 1945
  • U.S. Official Price for the years 1786 to Present

The market prices are the average of the daily prices for the year. To help understand where the historical data come from, you should read What Was the Price of Gold Then? Importance, Measurement, and History (25K PDF). The specialist or the serious user will also want to read What was the Price of Gold Then? A Data Study (111K PDF). This essay considers the five gold-price series one by one and provides a detailed description and evaluation of the existing work on the specific price.

Please read our Note on Data Revisions.


Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H. Williamson, "The Price of Gold, 1257 - Present.," MeasuringWorth,

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