Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies
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The table(s) present the price of one United States Dollar.
France, 1920 - 1940
1920 | 14.2050 Old Francs |
1921 | 13.4130 Old Francs |
1922 | 12.1930 Old Francs |
1923 | 16.4440 Old Francs |
1924 | 19.0960 Old Francs |
1925 | 20.9770 Old Francs |
1926 | 30.8380 Old Francs |
1927 | 25.4840 Old Francs |
1928 | 25.5040 Old Francs |
1929 | 25.5360 Old Francs |
1930 | 25.4780 Old Francs |
1931 | 25.5100 Old Francs |
1932 | 25.4610 Old Francs |
1933 | 19.8760 Old Francs |
1934 | 15.2230 Old Francs |
1935 | 15.1490 Old Francs |
1936 | 16.3560 Old Francs |
1937 | 24.7160 Old Francs |
1938 | 34.7450 Old Francs |
1939 | 39.8360 Old Francs |
1940 | 48.0150 Old Francs |
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Lawrence H. Officer, "Exchange Rates Between the United States Dollar and Forty-one Currencies,",
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